Friday 6 February 2015

Media & Advertising

Class Notes;

- Commercial media producers rely on advertising to make money.
- Advertisers often want to target their products at particular audiences. Magazines will have specific niche markets. Magazine producers attempt to sell readership to the advertisers.

Final Front Cover after Editing & Teacher Feedback

Thursday 5 February 2015

DPS Mock-Up

REVOLUTION Revenue Prediction

Number of pages in Revolution
Percentage of Advertising
65% (110/170 pages)
Cover Price
Magazine Distribution
Monthly Edition
Advertising Rates
Total Advertising Revenue per Magazine
 110 X £18,000
=£1,980,000 per Magazine
Yearly Advertising Revenue
12 X £1.98
=£23,760,000 yearly revenue
Magazine sales per month
90,000 sold at £5.99
£5.99 X 90,000
= £539,100 made per month
12 X 539,100
=£6,469,200 yearly
Annual Turnover (Ad rates + Magazine Sales)
£23,760,000 + £6,469,200
=£30,229,200 per annum

Monday 2 February 2015

Representations of Men & Women in the Media

Class Notes;
Sex- Biological & physiological characteristics that define men & women.
Gender- Socially constructed roles, behaviours & attributes that society considers appropriate for men & women.

Representation of Men in the Media;
- Strength- physical & intellectual.
- Power.
- Sexual Attractiveness.
- Physique.
- Independence.
- Represented as isolated (Lone Hero) as not needing to rely on others.
- Male physique is becoming a more important part of representation.

Representation of Women;
- Beauty (Within narrow conventions)
- Size/Physique (Narrow conventions)
- Sexuality.
- Emotional.
- Relationships (As opposed to independence/freedom)
- Women represented as being part of a context & working/thinking as part of a team.
- In drama, they tend to take the role of a heroin.
- Passivity extends to victim-hood.

Misogyny- Hatred or dislike of girls/women, sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence & sexual objectification of women.

Misandry- Hatred or dislike of boys/men, sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence & sexual objectification of men.