Sunday 14 December 2014

Lifestyle Questionnaire

Life Style Questionnaire
 How do you buy music?

ITunes [  ] CD [ ] Downloads [ ]

Where do you mainly listen to Music?

School [ ] Home [ ] on the go [ ]

What Genre of Music do you mainly listen to?

Pop [ ] Rock [ ] Metal [ ] Hip-Hop/Rap [ ]

Do you listen to rock music often?

No [ ] Sometimes [ ] Yes [ ] All the time [ ]

How often do you go to concerts/gigs per year?

1-5 [ ] 6-10 [ ] 11-15 [ ] 16-20 [ ] 20+ [ ]

How often do you buy music?

Daily [ ] Weekly [ ] Monthly [ ] whenever I have the time [ ]

How many hours of music do you listen to daily?

0-1hr [ ] 2-3 hrs [ ] 4-6 hrs [ ] 7+hrs [ ]

How much music do you have on your iPod/music Player?

0-250 songs [ ] 260-500 [ ] 510-1000 [ ] 1000+ [ ]

Do you invest in good quality headphones?

Yes [ ] No [ ] Sometimes [ ] Depends if I have the money [ ]

What do you think of the magazine’s cover photo?

Terrible [ ] Bad [ ] Okay [ ] Great [ ] Excellent [ ]

What do you think of the colour scheme of the front cover?

Terrible [ ] Bad [ ] Okay [ ] Great [ ] Excellent [ ]

Do you think the price of the magazine is fair (£6.00)?

No [ ] Maybe [ ] Yes [ ]

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