Sunday 29 March 2015

Contents Page Inspiration

I have used these three contents pages as inspiration because i have never designed a contents page before and i wanted to know the rough layout that was needed when it came to creating one. I really like the different and unique colour schemes used by each of the three magazines as they create a "house style" and make each one different from each other. I plan to use something similar for my contents page so that the readers know that it is a content page unique to revolution. As well as this the layout of the magazines is also very effective at getting the message that the magazine wants across to the audience. I especially liked the way that each of the magazines has not just dumped their articles and page numbers in one singular column but have chosen instead to break it up into a number of sections. I really like this idea and will definitely use it for my contents page to make it look as professional as possible. I think it is important to make key artists stand out so that they are noticed first and i will also use this idea to promote some of my new and upcoming artists and make sure they get the publicity that they deserve/need. These three designs have certainly given me a lot of ideas that i can use when i am designing my contents page and will hopefully make it stand out and be unique from the rest.

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