Monday 30 March 2015

Content's Page; Photo selection process

The selection process;
The photos that I could choose from are all similar but are taken from a variety of camera angles. As you can see the final photos have been edited to make them look as good as possible.

Image 1;
I decided not to use this image as I did not think it would portray the media message that I want across to the viewers. As well as this I thought that even after editing that the image was still not good enough. I did not want to use black and white on my contents page as I wanted to make it as striking as possible.

Image 2;
I did not select this image to use because I thought that some of the details were a bit blurred. Although the image is colourful and striking I just felt that it wouldn't look good on my contents page and that is why I decided not to use it.

Image 3;
I was tempted to use this particular image for my contents page but I decided not to use it because as with the image before I did not think the colours would combine well with my house style. It is a good detailed picture but with the colours and text I am using I just thought it wouldn't combine well with them.

Image 4;
I used this image for my contents page because I thought the colours combined really well with each other to create a striking image that I feel would attract my target audiences attention. It fits in well with the colours of my house style and the array of text that I will be using. This picture ticks all the boxes for me.

Image 5;
 I decided to use this image becasuse i found it striking and thought that it would link well with my rock theme. The model is very the appropriate clothing and has the correct facial expressions and posture that i needed. I also feel this image would combine well with my text and the other images that i will use.

Image 6;
I decided to chose this image because i wanted to add some variety to my contents page and i realized i had no female models on any of my pages. I found the facial expression used by the model striking and thought that it would attract the attention of the reader.

Image 7
Finally i chose this image because i thought that it looked good, linked well with my theme and was edited appropriately. The model again followed the directions i gave him to the book and created an image that i thought was perfect and combined well with my 'house style'

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