Thursday 5 March 2015

DPS Photo selection

Photo Selection;
For my double page spread I had a number of photos to choose from, a number of which I felt could have been used in my article but in end I chose to use only one.

In the end I decided to use this picture;
I chose this particular picture because I thought that it showed the two band members clearly and made sure they stood out. I liked the colour of the photo as it linked to the slightly darker, more mysterious side of the rock music genre. As well as this I thought that it would combine well with the text and colours that I was going to use in my design. It focuses clearly on the two people and both have the body language and posture that I was looking for.
The image itself had good contrast and light levels and was not too overpowering. All in all I thought that this would be the best image to use for my DPS.

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