Monday 23 March 2015

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

For my magazine i have chosen a social group who both listen to the classic rock music style but who also like to investigate into lesser known bands that might not appear in the charts. I have targeted a generation/age group who are interested in regularly going to music festivals, gigs and constantly socializing with their friends about the latest music and tours. I have featured well known rock bands in my magazine such as; The Proclaimers, Queen and Mallory Knox so that my target audience has artists they can relate to and those who's music they enjoy listening to. However i also decided to promote new, upcoming bands that are not as well known to my social group. This is why on my front cover i promoted a new band called "New Darkness" I did this to try and expand my target groups knowledge and understanding of the genre. This will hopefully intrigue the social group i have targeted and persuade them to listen and relate to artist that previously they would not have before.

Seeing as my social group are sophisticated, reasonably wealthy and have a lot of spare time on their hands i included; more cover lines on my front cover (to show that more detail is included in the magazine) longer articles (to get the extra detail that justifies the price) and a more sophisticated font style (to reflect the higher social status of my target audience) I have also used the same colour scheme throughout to create a unique house style and because i thought it was eye catching and attract my target audience. I have tried to keep everything as well ordered as possible with a clear layout to everything. I did this because my target audience/social group are of a higher caliber in society and i needed to reflect that, my audience are not going to want a lot of pictures with very little informative text they are going to want the opposite and that is why i have incorporated so many cover lines and full length articles in my front cover and contents page. As well as this for my contents page i included as many interesting articles and artists as possible so that there would be a lot of variety for my target group to choose from. This is also why my magazine is longer (170 pages) so that i could provide as much in-depth information that my target audience would require for the price (£5.99)

The main characteristics of my social group are that they like to listen to rock music both upcoming and chart music. I decided to target both so that there would be something for supporters of either option. I think it is good to have a variety that they can choose from which also makes my magazine appeal to them because it offers something different.

The images that i used to attract my social group to my magazine are relevant to the genre of music they are interested in and are eye-catching enough to make them want to pick up the magazine and buy it. The images i have used promote new rock bands, this makes it clear to the reader what my magazine is about; informing them about new bands and deepening their knowledge of music but also if they are interested in chart music they can do that also. The main cover image is extremely eye-catching and the caption invites the reader to get exclusive information that they would not get elsewhere; this also makes my magazine appeal to my social group due to it offering something unique to "Revolution" All the models that i have used look the part and convey the messages i want them to, hopefully this gives the magazine a look of quality and originality that appeals to my target audience.

In conclusion to this i have spent a great deal of thought about how my magazine represents my targeted social group. I have shown this through; my colour scheme, connotations, magazine analysis, use of images and the content that i have provided for my target audience. My lifestyle questionnaire helped to define exactly what my target social group wants from a magazine and i have done my best to 'tick all of the boxes' and to correctly represent them in my magazine.

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