Sunday 18 January 2015

Class Notes; Representations of Age & Sexuality

Representation of Age in Media
How is Age represented in these Clips?
1)      Accused; Teenager. Fits in with the criminal, violent, drugs, lazy, liar, rebellious & outlandish stereotypes.
-          Shown as weak & pathetic.
2)      Barrister; Middle Aged. Fits in with the in control, sensible, mature & aggressive stereotypes.
3)      Barrister; 20-30’s, has a softer approach.
Age Stereotypes in the Media;
1)      Children; young, innocent, naïve, pure, sweet, helpless & powerless.
2)      Teenagers; aggressive, moody, lazy, criminals & hate school.
3)      20-30’s; parties, fun, making money, glamorous & attractive.
4)      Middle Aged; past it, unattractive, uncool, boring, dominant over others & grumpy.
5)      Elderly; unattractive, slow, weak, ill, confused, pathetic, powerless, not important, dependant on others.
1)    Heterosexual Male; tough, protector & a leader, higher in society, dominant figures of state, in their 40’s & in high paying jobs.
2)    Heterosexual Female; weak, girly, feminine, damsel-like & emotional, subordinate figures.
Stereotypes about homosexuals;
1)      All gay men will die of AID’s.
2)      All gay men are feminine.
3)      All gay women are butch.
4)      Gay men can’t marry nor have children.
5)      Homosexual Male; camp, girly, promiscuous, feminine looking clothes & loud.
6)      Homosexual Female; Butch, feminist, short hair & hate men.

-          Heterosexuals; monogamous, the ‘norm’, straight couples have kids etc.
-          Stereotypes are used in TV because they give people broad views of people’s sexuality.
-          They are used to make TV more interesting & are most likely found in the genre of TV dramas.
-          60’s- gay was banned so men had to cover up their homosexuality.
-          In the 50’s homosexuals were sent to asylums to be ‘cured’ of their homosexuality as it was considered a disease.

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