Tuesday 6 January 2015

Music Magazine Front Cover Analysis

Music Magazine Front Cover Analysis
Cover Model/Central Image;
For my front cover I decided to use a darker, striking image because I wanted to attract the reader’s attention straight away and also having a darker image allows the text to stand out clearer, it also links with the darker theme of rock music. The image is the first thing a person looks at on the cover and I wanted to make sure mine was eye catching enough for them to pick up the magazine.
Colour Scheme;
The colour scheme that I used for my cover was a mixture of white and red. I chose this colour scheme because I thought that they combined well together to make the text stand out clearer and be more effective at catching the eye. I put the masthead in a bold red because I wanted the house name to stand out and be one of the first things the reader notices, this not only informs them what magazine it is but it is more likely to stay in their head.
Additionally I made key words such as “Exclusive, You, Latest” stand out as these are the words that sell the cover lines to the audience. I want them to be drawn in by an ‘exclusive interview’ so that they read further into the magazine.
On the cover of my magazine I included different font sizes and colours. I did this because I wanted to add variety to the cover and I did not want it to become repetitive in its style. For example I increased the font size of the Masthead, Anchorage and key words in the Cover lines, I did this because I wanted these words and letters to stand out from the page and catch the reader’s eye. I also changed the colour of the letters at the start of the artist’s names; I wanted to do this because it makes the cover line appear more important than it may appear at first. Also I felt that it added some variety to the text rather than having one block colour all the way through.

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