Tuesday 6 January 2015

Lifestyle Questionnaire Results

Lifestyle Questionnaire Results
I asked 3 people to carry out my lifestyle questionnaire, two girls and one boy and these were the results;
-       2/3 people said they bought music from ITunes.
-         2/3 said that they listened to music on the go.
-         2/3 stated Rock was their main genre of music.
-         2/3 listens to Rock music regularly.
-         2/3 said they go to between 6-10 Rock concerts per year.
-         Most of the participants buy music weekly.
-         Most of the people listen to daily to music for 4-6 hours.
-         2/3 people have 1000+ songs on their iPod/music player.
-         Most of them invest in good quality headphones.
-         All of them thought the magazine’s cover photo was great.
-         All of the people stated the colour scheme of the cover was great.
-         2/3 thought the price of the magazine was not expensive.

 All in all I am very happy with the feedback I have received from the questionnaire. I now know that the cover model I have used for my front cover is very effective and that the colour scheme that I am using combines well with the image. The answers also indicate that my cover is appropriate for my target audience and that all of the people taking part in the questionnaire fit in with my ideal reader.

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