Target Audience for my Magazine;
The target audience for my magazine will encompass the middle class and the lower middle class. I have chosen these groups for my target audience because i think that with the ideas that i have for my magazine and the layout that i will use, it will suit those two groups the best. To attract my target audience i will reduce the amount of pictures that will appear on my cover, i will do this because the middle class are more likely to enjoy reading and will have more spare time on their hands to sit down and read a magazine. Moreover they are more likely to be interested in the quality of the reading material i.e. the articles than the quality of the pictures. Images will be effective but not as effective as if i was appealing to the working classes who are more likely to want lots of pictures and not a lot of text.
Additionally the font size and the type of font that i will use will again reflect the audience that i am targeting. The font that i will use will be of a more fancy and luxurious type, the audience i am targeting is looking for a luxurious magazine and the text has to show this quality or they are not going to be interested. The size of the font will also play a part. The middle class/lower middle class will not be too interested in large text emblazoned across the screen shouting for attention. They are going to be interested in more moderately sized text, with perhaps a large title. They are expecting the cover to look more sophisticated than most magazines, they will expect a higher price but they are also expecting the magazine to live up to that price.
Thirdly the lifestyle that i am targeting is the middle classes who have the time and the money to buy a magazine, return home and spend time reading it. These will be people who have plenty of money, who perhaps have retired early or who have never had the need to work. However i am also targeting the lower middle class who may not have as much time on their hands. I will need to find a balance between the two so that the magazine looks sophisticated enough for the upper middle class but not too pricey and expensive for the lower middle class.
The genre of music that I will be targeting is rock, I chose this genre because I felt it best represented the target audience I was targeting. It is a genre that I personally enjoy listening to. It also fits in with the photos that I will be taking and the style of cover that I will create.
I will target males aged from 18-30, I will do this because men are more likely to be interested in this magazine, some women might be but the majority will be men.
Monday, 27 October 2014
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
School Magazine Photoshoot
Photo-shoot plan
Central Image- The central image will be depicting the schools sixth form promoting that the school has a new head boy. The picture will show a group of sixth form students of the appropriate age along with the head boy of the sixth form smiling and looking as though they are enjoying themselves. This will signify that the sixth form is a good place to go and people will enjoy their time there. Also it will present the new head boy as a professional student who also takes time to help students with their work. The photos will be mid shot with a few close ups and full body shots. This will show the students in a wide range of environments within the school complex. The figure will be male as he will look more imposing and serious. Implying that the new head boy is ready to get down to work and do his job. It gives a hard-line view to the school and shows they are serious about their work.Secondary Images - These will be made of close ups. These will signify exclusive interviews with some of the students who want to voice their opinions about the sixth form. And the new head boy. We are trying to convey the message that the school is a good place to be with a new head boy who is taking it in the right direction, to show these they will all be jubilant. Also a few may be of teachers who are giving their support to the new head boy and wish to give him luck.

Monday, 13 October 2014
Friday, 10 October 2014
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Time Magazine Analysis
Masthead- The
masthead is displayed in the traditional place at the top of the cover. It is
displayed in red font against a black background so that it stands out. It
catches the reader’s eye.
Tagline- The
tagline doesn’t feature on the cover of this magazine. With this cover it is
all about the name “Time” Is a big name and is well known for advertising the
main political ideas of the time. The masthead does not need a tagline to
accompany it the name speaks for itself.
Central Image/Cover Model- As is
typical with Time magazine the two combine together. The main image is of
Colonel Gudaffi who at the time was on the losing side of the Libyan Civil war.
It is imposing and immediately catches the eye. It is the key
attraction/selling point of the magazine. People will want to read what is
going on.
Anchorage- The
anchorage stays very close to the central image on the cover of this edition. “Last
Stand” is emblazoned to the side of Gaddafi, we want to know if this is true
and if so why. The anchorage partners the central image/cover model in being
the main attraction of the magazine.
Secondary Images- There are
no secondary images on the cover as they would just distract from the main
article. All else is kept to a minimum to make sure that nothing ruins the
effect that the anchorage, masthead and the central image creates.
Cover lines- The cover lines
are positioned at the top of the magazine, out of the way of the main article.
They offer something different for other readers. There are informative
articles, current topics and political plots. It also indicates that this
magazine is not just about one article but that there is a variety on offer.
Mode of Address- The
magazine is very direct in its approach to readers, it has targeted a ‘hot’
topic that people want to hear and about and is trying to ‘shove’ it in our
faces. The colour scheme makes it very bold and obtrusive; it would stand out
in a magazine rack. This is the main aim as you are more likely to buy the
Puff/Pugs- Neither of
these two feature on the cover as the magazine has no need to use them.
Barcode, Price and Edition- None of
these appear on the cover. They would either distract from the main articles
and image. The price doesn’t feature as they don’t want you to be put off by
the price. The magazine wants to grip you and make you instinctively buy it
rather than check the price.
Use of Colour- The colour
scheme is very striking. The red border combined with the dark, gloomy image
makes everything stand out clearly. The colours make everything bold and catch
your eye.
Font- The font
is in big bold type to reflect the seriousness of the current political
situation and to also catch the eye. Less important articles are in lower case
and are not in capitals. This denotes how important they are in attracting the
Time Music Magazine Analysis
Masthead- the Masthead
is clear and easy to see. It clearly states the name of the magazine. However
on this edition it takes a back step and lets the central image/cover model
take the stage.
Anchorage- The
anchorage is clear to see on the front cover. It is positioned directly in
front of the cover model and is placed where we are most likely to look first.
The “Contender” is in big bold red writing. This draws us in before we even see
Obama. We all want to hear if “politics has changed him” or if he will fulfil his
promises. Time magazine want this to be their main marketing point.
Image/Cover model- This takes centre stage and is the main attraction of the magazine.
The cover model Barack Obama is an iconic figure known across the world. People
are going to buy this magazine not only because of the name but because of the
person on the front. Obama is standing with his arms crossed in an authorities
pose signifying that he is confident and will be able to stand up to Americas
problems. People interested in the election campaign will want to hear what he
has to say.
Tagline- No tagline
features on the front of the magazine. This is because TIME magazine is well
known and is a famous American magazine. It does not need to use a tagline to
attract the readers; the brand name speaks for itself.
Puffs- Time
magazine uses several puffs at the top of the cover to advertise what else is
to offer inside the magazine. They feature celebrities such as “Will Smith” and
then current features of interest for the American public such as “New stem
cells” and “how would you cope with the recession” All these combine to signify
that the magazine is not just about its main article but has other things to
offer readers.
Price, Edition; Funnily enough there is no clear price and barcode on the front of
the magazine, signifying that this is an expensive magazine and they do not
want you to be put off by it. The barcode and edition number feature on the
spine of the magazine as they are not very relevant and may distract from the
main article and cover model. However they do have the magazine’s website on
the bottom where any extra information will be kept. Perhaps American audiences
are targeted in a different way to English magazines.
Font- The font Is
used very well on the cover. The masthead is in big bold text reflecting its
importance. The anchorage is in coloured bold text also symbolises the
importance of it in attracting readers. Any other writing is in smaller text so
as not to take away from the cover model or the masthead, its purpose is to
simply inform the reader.
Use of
colour- The use of colour plays a key role in selling the magazine. The
border is in bright red to make the other images stand out and to catch the
eye. The background behind the cover model gets darker the further away from
him it gets; this helps Obama to stand out a lot more clearly and makes him
seem more imposing and eye catching. The anchorage is in red to highlight its
importance whilst the other text is in simple white denoting its importance to
the selling of the magazine.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
School Magazine;Chosen Hill magazine analysis
Masthead- The
masthead is in nice, large bold text which catches the reader’s eye and
hopefully makes them stop and buy the magazine. The name of the magazine is
clearly stated at the top of the page. It is simple and effective.
Tagline- There is no
evident tagline on the cover of the magazine. Although we can work out from the
central image that this is a student magazine. Also by not having a tagline we
can tell that this is not a professional job.
Central Image- The
central image is not as effective as it should be but it does the job. It is
relevant to the purpose as it features a student and it is a student magazine.
It is very strongly linked the magazine and the features inside.
Cover model- The cover
model is a photographic model used to promote the school and the students
within it. It serves its purpose and attracts the target audience who are
obviously students.
Anchorage- There is a
small use of anchorage on the cover. One of the articles asks how students are
getting on with their exams. Seeing the confident student signifies that they don’t
seem to be worried at all.
Secondary Images- The
secondary image on the cover of this article is the schools own logo. Linking
to the student magazine theme. Also implying that the articles in the magazine will
be school related and not miscellaneous.
Cover lines- The cover
lines here are very easy to spot. They are on the far left side of the page
where they don’t interfere with the main picture.
Mode of Address- The magazine
communicates in a very direct way. The cover model is looking straight down the
camera at us the reader. The font is bold and laid out in a way that is in
striking and eye catching.
Puff- The puffs
used in this cover are typed in colourful fonts. They are advertising the “Big
event” for the school. Seeing as this is the key article, it is the main story
we all want to hear about.
Use of Colour- Colour is
very rarely used in the text only being used to highlight the main
article/selling point of the magazine.
Font- The font is
used in a variety of ways. The title is in big, bold black text to attract the
reader. Whilst the sub-headings are in bold to state what the articles are about.
The summary information about each article is in plain simple text.
School Magazine analysis

The masthead is where you would traditionally find it; at the top of the magazine. It has been placed there to inform the reader what the name of the magazine is and what school the magazine is from. It is displayed in large, black, bold text which stands out from the lighter background and gets it noticed. The masthead goes to great lengths to attract the eye of the reader and make sure that they notice is straight away.
There is no tagline for this magazine probably because it is a school magazine and is not being published commercially. The designer might have felt that there was no need to attach a tagline to the masthead as the masthead would be the main feature to attract the readers.
Central Image
The central image is very important to this magazine, it portrays what the magazine is about and what school the magazine is from. The image attracts the readers attention and draws them into reading the magazine.
Cover Lines
The cover lines are placed on the far left hand side of the page, this is so that the image is not interfered with and the effect is not confused by the cover lines. The cover lines inform the readers what content is inside the magazine and draws their interest.
Edition, price, barcode
There is no price or barcode for this magazine as it is a school magazine and is not published for commercial reasons.
Font and Colour
The magazine cover uses the same font throughout partly because it is an amateur magazine and will not look professional and partly because it is a school magazine and not much focus will be on what font is used. The colours are very conventional with most of them being in black but the main features that they are trying to sell are coloured in a 'rainbow' effect. This brightens up the look of the magazine and helps to attract the reader a bit more and allow the cover to look a bit more 'easy on the eye'
Cover Model
The cover model is clearly a pupil from the school as she is wearing the uniform and the photo has been taken inside the school building itself. To show the school as a happy environment the model is smiling and her posture makes her appear as 'happy, outgoing and ready to work' This is to possibly link with the values of the school and help to promote the school to others such as parents.
Monday, 6 October 2014
Q Music Magazine Ananlysis
Masthead- The title is placed in the top
left corner of the cover, almost like a pug. It does not take a major role in
attracting the readers it leaves that mainly to the cover model in this case
Tagline- The tagline as usual accompanies
the masthead. This is one of the magazines main selling points. “The 10 most
exciting people in music” This attracts readers as we want to know who these
people are. Moreover this links with the cover model of the magazine. Are they
in that list? All these questions make us want to buy the magazine.
Puff- The puffs used are plain and
simple. They offer what the target audience want; Interviews with the latest
music stars. “42 pages of Interviews” It cuts straight to the point drawing us
straight to what we want.
Anchorage- This attracts all the people who
want to hear the cover models story. It does this by varying the text colour to
highlight the main words like “Muse” “Thom Yorke’s”
Cover Model- The cover model is the main
attraction point. Everything else is either put to the side or behind. This
attracts the readers as they want to hear about the models story and if they
have any new songs or an album out.
Barcode, Price, Edition- The
barcode positioned at the bottom of the magazine. It does this because it
doesn’t want you to be attracted away from the main image. The price is kept
minute as they don’t want you to be put off buying the magazine. Finally the
edition number is on the spine as people aren’t going to take a major interest
in it.
Font- The font is kept in bold capitals
showing that these are important so you ‘must’ read them. Key words are
highlighted in red as they are the main headlines of the article. Information
about what is in the story is written in white as it is less important.
Puff- The other situated on the cover
entices the reader in. They have already seen the main article about the cover
model but the “+” makes us want to find out more about other artists
Central Image- The central image catches the reader’s eye first. Jay-Z dominates the cover implying that the articles main attraction is this music star. This will not only attract fans of his but anyone who wants to know about what he gets up to when not produces music.
Central Image- The central image catches the reader’s eye first. Jay-Z dominates the cover implying that the articles main attraction is this music star. This will not only attract fans of his but anyone who wants to know about what he gets up to when not produces music.
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Four Four Two Analysis
Red Writing; Red
symbolises the anger, tension and fervour with which the fans/players of the
two clubs see each other when this match comes around.
White Writing; the white
writing immediately creates a link with the club ‘Real Madrid’ White is
associated with Real Madrid and is their home kit.
Yellow Background; The
yellow makes everything stand out so all the emotion is brought to the fore but
also the yellow links with the clubs badge again linking the cover with club.
The Players; the players
on the front look assured, confident and at ease, perhaps they do not feel the
tension of the derby ahead. This could be reassuring their fans that they feel
confident enough to win the match.
Also ‘James
Rodriguez’ is standing in front of the other two (Ronaldo and Bale) symbolises
that he, as the new star, has the power and is now the main man at the club.
The Title; The title
“Real Madrid” is in the forefront of the image, the players take a minor role;
it’s all about the clubs name.
Media Features;
Mast Head; The mast head features at the top of the magazine. The title “Four
Four Two” is also a football formation so it creates a link with the sport and
is obviously targeting football fans.
Image; On the cover your eyes are drawn straight
to the main picture of the footballers. The image links with the Real Madrid
theme as the image features their best players. The title takes a back step while
we are drawn to the players.
Cover Model: The front cover features more than one cover model. We have
Ronaldo, who is one of the most famous players of the game, and Gareth Bale
both are known worldwide in the game. By featuring these two players Four Four
Two is enticing us in. We all want to hear their story.
Anchorage: The anchorage is “Europe’s maddest ever strike forces” Seeing the
players behind we can fully believe that. It links the players to an article.
These players score 30+ goals a season so we want to find out why they are the “maddest”
strike force and how they became to be so.
Images; the secondary image is much
smaller than the other pictures. It shows an alternative front cover of the
magazine that shows Barcelona’s new players. This reawakens the derby tension
between the two clubs and forces the reader to choose; do they support Real or
Cover lines; The cover line is displayed against a red background and is
displayed in bold white writing “Real Madrid” white is their signature colour
so it links in with that. But white on red makes the article stand out a lot
more than the normal yellow background.
Mode of
Address; the magazine communicates in an “In
your face nature” All the text is big and bold, whilst the images are in your face.
It is a very direct way of getting their message across. It is simple and
Pugs and
puffs; N/A
Barcode, Price,
Edition; The barcode is placed at the
bottom of the page where it does not get in the way. The price is just above
that but in small writing; with it costing £4.75 you don’t what readers discovering
that first. The edition number is on the spine of the magazine as it does not
need to be a major part of the magazine.
Use of
colour; The yellow page colour allows the
red, black and white texts to stand out better and catch the readers eye. They
do not fade into the background but instead stand boldly out.
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