Tuesday 7 October 2014

School Magazine;Chosen Hill magazine analysis

Masthead- The masthead is in nice, large bold text which catches the reader’s eye and hopefully makes them stop and buy the magazine. The name of the magazine is clearly stated at the top of the page. It is simple and effective.
Tagline- There is no evident tagline on the cover of the magazine. Although we can work out from the central image that this is a student magazine. Also by not having a tagline we can tell that this is not a professional job.
Central Image- The central image is not as effective as it should be but it does the job. It is relevant to the purpose as it features a student and it is a student magazine. It is very strongly linked the magazine and the features inside.
Cover model- The cover model is a photographic model used to promote the school and the students within it. It serves its purpose and attracts the target audience who are obviously students.
Anchorage- There is a small use of anchorage on the cover. One of the articles asks how students are getting on with their exams. Seeing the confident student signifies that they don’t seem to be worried at all.
Secondary Images- The secondary image on the cover of this article is the schools own logo. Linking to the student magazine theme. Also implying that the articles in the magazine will be school related and not miscellaneous.
Cover lines- The cover lines here are very easy to spot. They are on the far left side of the page where they don’t interfere with the main picture.
Mode of Address- The magazine communicates in a very direct way. The cover model is looking straight down the camera at us the reader. The font is bold and laid out in a way that is in striking and eye catching.
Puff- The puffs used in this cover are typed in colourful fonts. They are advertising the “Big event” for the school. Seeing as this is the key article, it is the main story we all want to hear about.
Use of Colour- Colour is very rarely used in the text only being used to highlight the main article/selling point of the magazine.
Font- The font is used in a variety of ways. The title is in big, bold black text to attract the reader. Whilst the sub-headings are in bold to state what the articles are about. The summary information about each article is in plain simple text.

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