Wednesday 1 October 2014

Classwork Notes

Media Studies; Outline

Media- Reading, discussing and evaluating media texts.

Key Concepts;

-          Media representation.

-          Genre.

-          Media language.

-          Media institutions.

-          Media values and ideology.

-          Narrative.

-          Media audiences.

Section 1;

Semiotics and symbols;

-          Framework.

Symbolic code;

-          Lighting and colour.

-          Positioning.

-          Setting and locations.

-         Facial expression, body language.


-          Slogan.

-          Typeface/front.

-          Headlines.

-          Captions.

-          Style.

-          Choice of words.

-         Emphasis of words.


-          Camera angles.

-          Framing (ELS, LS, MLS, MS, CU, ECU, POU)

-          Cropping.

-         Juxtaposition- 2 separate signs that together make contrasting meaning.

Semiotics- study of signs.

-          Symbolic, written and technical.

-          How meaning is made and understood.

Signifier- Sign, word, colour or image.

Signified- Concept/meaning/associations that the sign refers to.

Denotative- What we actually see.

Connotative level- What you associate with this image.

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