Monday 6 October 2014

Q Music Magazine Ananlysis

Masthead- The title is placed in the top left corner of the cover, almost like a pug. It does not take a major role in attracting the readers it leaves that mainly to the cover model in this case Jay-Z.

Tagline- The tagline as usual accompanies the masthead. This is one of the magazines main selling points. “The 10 most exciting people in music” This attracts readers as we want to know who these people are. Moreover this links with the cover model of the magazine. Are they in that list? All these questions make us want to buy the magazine.

Puff- The puffs used are plain and simple. They offer what the target audience want; Interviews with the latest music stars. “42 pages of Interviews” It cuts straight to the point drawing us straight to what we want.

Anchorage- This attracts all the people who want to hear the cover models story. It does this by varying the text colour to highlight the main words like “Muse” “Thom Yorke’s”

Cover Model- The cover model is the main attraction point. Everything else is either put to the side or behind. This attracts the readers as they want to hear about the models story and if they have any new songs or an album out.

Barcode, Price, Edition- The barcode positioned at the bottom of the magazine. It does this because it doesn’t want you to be attracted away from the main image. The price is kept minute as they don’t want you to be put off buying the magazine. Finally the edition number is on the spine as people aren’t going to take a major interest in it.

Font- The font is kept in bold capitals showing that these are important so you ‘must’ read them. Key words are highlighted in red as they are the main headlines of the article. Information about what is in the story is written in white as it is less important.

Puff- The other situated on the cover entices the reader in. They have already seen the main article about the cover model but the “+” makes us want to find out more about other artists

Central Image- The central image catches the reader’s eye first. Jay-Z dominates the cover implying that the articles main attraction is this music star. This will not only attract fans of his but anyone who wants to know about what he gets up to when not produces music.

Central Image- The central image catches the reader’s eye first. Jay-Z dominates the cover implying that the articles main attraction is this music star. This will not only attract fans of his but anyone who wants to know about what he gets up to when not produces music.

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