Tuesday 7 October 2014

School Magazine analysis

The masthead is where you would traditionally find it; at the top of the magazine. It has been placed there to inform the reader what the name of the magazine is and what school the magazine is from. It is displayed in large, black, bold text which stands out from the lighter background and gets it noticed. The masthead goes to great lengths to attract the eye of the reader and make sure that they notice is straight away.
There is no tagline for this magazine probably because it is a school magazine and is not being published commercially. The designer might have felt that there was no need to attach a tagline to the masthead as the masthead would be the main feature to attract the readers.
Central Image
The central image is very important to this magazine, it portrays what the magazine is about and what school the magazine is from. The image attracts the readers attention and draws them into reading the magazine.
Cover Lines
The cover lines are placed on the far left hand side of the page, this is so that the image is not interfered with and the effect is not confused by the cover lines. The cover lines inform the readers what content is inside the magazine and draws their interest.
Edition, price, barcode
There is no price or barcode for this magazine as it is a school magazine and is not published for commercial reasons.
Font and Colour
The magazine cover uses the same font throughout partly because it is an amateur magazine and will not look professional and partly because it is a school magazine and not much focus will be on what font is used. The colours are very conventional with most of them being in black but the main features that they are trying to sell are coloured in a 'rainbow' effect. This brightens up the look of the magazine and helps to attract the reader a bit more and allow the cover to look a bit more 'easy on the eye'
Cover Model
The cover model is clearly a pupil from the school as she is wearing the uniform and the photo has been taken inside the school building itself. To show the school as a happy environment the model is smiling and her posture makes her appear as 'happy, outgoing and ready to work' This is to possibly link with the values of the school and help to promote the school to others such as parents.

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