Wednesday 8 October 2014

Time Magazine Analysis

Masthead- The masthead is displayed in the traditional place at the top of the cover. It is displayed in red font against a black background so that it stands out. It catches the reader’s eye.
Tagline- The tagline doesn’t feature on the cover of this magazine. With this cover it is all about the name “Time” Is a big name and is well known for advertising the main political ideas of the time. The masthead does not need a tagline to accompany it the name speaks for itself.
Central Image/Cover Model- As is typical with Time magazine the two combine together. The main image is of Colonel Gudaffi who at the time was on the losing side of the Libyan Civil war. It is imposing and immediately catches the eye. It is the key attraction/selling point of the magazine. People will want to read what is going on.
Anchorage- The anchorage stays very close to the central image on the cover of this edition. “Last Stand” is emblazoned to the side of Gaddafi, we want to know if this is true and if so why. The anchorage partners the central image/cover model in being the main attraction of the magazine.
Secondary Images- There are no secondary images on the cover as they would just distract from the main article. All else is kept to a minimum to make sure that nothing ruins the effect that the anchorage, masthead and the central image creates.
Cover lines- The cover lines are positioned at the top of the magazine, out of the way of the main article. They offer something different for other readers. There are informative articles, current topics and political plots. It also indicates that this magazine is not just about one article but that there is a variety on offer.
Mode of Address- The magazine is very direct in its approach to readers, it has targeted a ‘hot’ topic that people want to hear and about and is trying to ‘shove’ it in our faces. The colour scheme makes it very bold and obtrusive; it would stand out in a magazine rack. This is the main aim as you are more likely to buy the magazine.
Puff/Pugs- Neither of these two feature on the cover as the magazine has no need to use them.
Barcode, Price and Edition- None of these appear on the cover. They would either distract from the main articles and image. The price doesn’t feature as they don’t want you to be put off by the price. The magazine wants to grip you and make you instinctively buy it rather than check the price.
Use of Colour- The colour scheme is very striking. The red border combined with the dark, gloomy image makes everything stand out clearly. The colours make everything bold and catch your eye.
Font- The font is in big bold type to reflect the seriousness of the current political situation and to also catch the eye. Less important articles are in lower case and are not in capitals. This denotes how important they are in attracting the readers.

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