Monday 27 October 2014

Magazine Target Audience

Target Audience for my Magazine;
The target audience for my magazine will encompass the middle class and the lower middle class. I have chosen these groups for my target audience because i think that with the ideas that i have for my magazine and the layout that i will use, it will suit those two groups the best. To attract my target audience i will reduce the amount of pictures that will appear on my cover, i will do this because the middle class are more likely to enjoy reading and will have more spare time on their hands to sit down and read a magazine. Moreover they are more likely to be interested in the quality of the reading material i.e. the articles than the quality of the pictures. Images will be effective but not as effective as if i was appealing to the working classes who are more likely to want lots of pictures and not a lot of text.
Additionally the font size and the type of font that i will use will again reflect the audience that i am targeting. The font that i will use will be of a more fancy and luxurious type, the audience i am targeting is looking for a luxurious magazine and the text has to show this quality or they are not going to be interested. The size of the font will also play a part. The middle class/lower middle class will not be too interested in large text emblazoned across the screen shouting for attention. They are going to be interested in more moderately sized text, with perhaps a large title. They are expecting the cover to look more sophisticated than most magazines, they will expect a higher price but they are also expecting the magazine to live up to that price.
Thirdly the lifestyle that i am targeting is the middle classes who have the time and the money to buy a magazine, return home and spend time reading it. These will be people who have plenty of money, who perhaps have retired early or who have never had the need to work. However i am also targeting the lower middle class who may not have as much time on their hands. I will need to find a balance between the two so that the magazine looks sophisticated enough for the upper middle class but not too pricey and expensive for the lower middle class.
The genre of music that I will be targeting is rock, I chose this genre because I felt it best represented the target audience I was targeting. It is a genre that I personally enjoy listening to. It also fits in with the photos that I will be taking and the style of cover that I will create.
I will target males aged from 18-30, I will do this because men are more likely to be interested in this magazine, some women might be but the majority will be men.

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