Friday 7 November 2014

Class Notes; Types of Sound

Type of Sound in Media
Types of Sound;
- Music, Sound effects & dialogue.
- Emotion.
-Gives an understanding.
-Sound doesn't support the image.
-Associates with the themes.
-Helps to add emotion & drama.
-Directed Attention.
-Formal expectations.
-Altered interpretations of visual image.
-The value of silence, its rare and shocking.
-Diegisis- Film world.
-Non-Diegetic Sound- sound not recognised as part of the film world.
-Diegetic Sound- sound that is part of the film world.
-Parallel- sound which compliments the visual image.
-Contraptual Sound- sound which does not fit with the image but helps create new meanings.
-Sound Bridges- aid continuously as sound from 1 sequence on into the next.
-3 Levels- Dialogue, sound effects & music.
-Dialogue authenticates the speaker, texture of voice can add character on its own.
-Synchronous Sound- sounds which are synchronized or matched with what is viewed.
-Asynchronous Sound- not matched with a visible source of the sound on screen.

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