Tuesday 25 November 2014

Double Page Spread Photo Shoot Planning

Double Page Spread Photo-shoot
For my double page spread I will use the same models as my front cover and I will be considering the following factors;
The location will be the same as the one that I used for my front cover; a run down area of Tunbridge Wells where the band grew up.
Body Language;
The body language and posture that I want the cover model to represent is; Some will be smiling to show a new side to the band and imply that they are not like the stereotype being shown on the front cover. Some members will still look intimidating as reflects their social background/upbringing, I want the band to be shown as intimidating but underneath it all they are just normal teenagers enjoying their music.
Furthermore their posture will have to reflect their emotions, some will be leaning against walls whilst some will be standing up straight with their arms crossed. I want a good variety of poses hopefully each one varying from the last.
I will do this because the posture and the body language that the band members use will be key in portraying what kind of band they are without needing text to explain.
Facial Expressions;
Some of the band will be looking intimidating, I will have some them looking blankly at the camera with narrowed eyes, as if they are looking right at us acting the part. Others will just look as if this is just a normal day at the office. I want to capture them when their in their down time so that I can show what their truly like.
I do not mind what the weather conditions are around during the photo-shoot. Obviously I would not hope for heavy rain or extreme weather conditions. The weather is a minor part of the photo shoot as it will not affect the quality of the images.
I will be taking the photos from a mixture of my digital camera and my phone, I want to get high quality shots that will reflect the quality of the magazine. Any out of focus shots will be discarded.

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