Sunday 16 November 2014

Media Class Notes

Dominant Ideology;
What gender attributes & behaviours are valued most in our society on the whole.
Stereotype Production;
- Simplification.
- Exaggeration or distortion.
- Generalization.
- Presentation of cultural attributes as being natural.
The Counter type;
- A positive stereotype.
- Focuses on positive elements of a group traditionally represented as bad.
- Oversimplification of the enormous diversity featured with the group.
The Male Gaze;
- How do men look at women.
- How women look at themselves.
- How women look at other women.

Laura Mulvey believes that in a film, "audiences have to view characters from the perspective of a heterosexual male"
Features of the Male Gaze;
- Camera lingers on the curves of the female body & events which occur to women are presented largely in the context of a mans reaction.
- Relegates women to status of objects.

Jonathan Schroeder "to gaze implies more than to look at- signifies a psychological relationship of power"
Traditional Male Stereotypes;
- Traditional Masculine Man- muscly, strong, brave, heterosexual, manual jobs, aggressive, tall & dominant over women, works to provide for family . Does no cleaning, cooking or childcare.
-New Man- Less masculine but still heterosexual, very peaceful, looks after the family, stays at home to look after family, does cleaning & cooking etc. Shown as equal to women.
-Gay Man- Often shown as being very feminine, weak, working in jobs such as fashion or hairdressing, bitchy etc.
Traditional Feminine Woman;
-Traditional feminine woman- often shown as being girly, likes pink, wears dresses, does feminine jobs such as working in fashion, hairdressing or stays at home to look after the children, needs a man to cope, weak, scarred of things, needs rescuing, pure & innocent.
-Sexy Woman- very flirty, dresses in a revealing way, more powerful, uses men to get what she wants, no loyalty to other women, bitchy.
-Lesbian Woman-  Dressing in a masculine fashion, doing masculine roles, hating men, looking masculine.

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