Monday 3 November 2014

Photo Selection Process

Photo shoot; Selection Process;
The photos that i will be selecting for my school magazine front cover and contents page will include the pictures of the male dressed in a suit. I chose these photos because; as i am promoting the schools new head boy i need him to appear smart, powerful and appear ready to knuckle down with his new role. I have selected the photos that i feel present the school in a positive light. I also wanted to show that the school and its students know what they are doing, they dress smartly and know exactly what they need to do and when. Here are the photos that i have selected and why i feel they are right, and there are also the photos that i will not use and why.

I chose this particular photo as I needed to make my head boy appear; serious, hard working and ready to knuckle down. I also liked the camera angle as, by looking up at the cover model it made him appear in a position of power and authority; he's looking down on us. This reflects his new status as head boy and presents him appropriately. I also chose this because this mid shot suited my needs, the others were good but this presented me with the perfect criteria.

I chose not to use these photos as some of them were too similar too each other. Additionally some of the photos were not mid shots and I needed a mid shot for the cover of the magazine. Moreover some did show the model as the serious head boy that I needed.
Some of the photos show unflattering angles which would not help the image I wanted to portray. Although he is dressed correctly some of the photos just do not fit the bill. Some of the lighting also interfered with the shots, in one shot the sunlight made the shots too dark or too bright.



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