Friday 7 November 2014

Magazine Front Cover Photo-shoot Planning

Front Cover 
For my front cover I will prepare to complete the following things;
My location for my photo shoot will be the back streets of Tunbridge Wells, I am looking for an area that is quite run down with a few tatty buildings, graffiti etc. I want to do this because my rock band has been brought up from that background. The location will have to look gloomy, dull and bland. I am choosing to take the photos on a council estate because that fits in with the theme; the band have grown up on the streets and the location needs to reflect that. I will take shots of the band with graffiti in the background, with one person sitting on a weathered run down wall, another leaning against the wall and finally the other people standing perhaps behind them.
The Cover Model;
What will they be wearing?
I want my band members to be wearing clothes that show their background. I will have two of the band dressed in jeans and hoodies with perhaps converse or vans footwear. I will do this because I want them to look like the stereotypical council estate teen who people find intimidating and are wary of.
Moreover the other members of the band will be dressed in long trench style coats with either dark chinos or jeans. I want to show that not all the band dress the same I want to add some variety to the shots. Again I want them to look as though they have actually grown up in a 'rough' area of Tunbridge Wells.
Finally the final member of the band will be dressed to in a barber style jacket with a hoodie underneath and jeans and converses to finish off the costume. I want this member of the band to look like he has had the toughest upbringing of them all. He is the main member of the band, the one who brought it all together.
Facial Expressions;
I want the cover models facial expressions to be bland and intimidating. I want them to look brooding and to intimidate people. This is a band from the streets and i want their facial expression to a reflection of that.
Body Language/Posture
The body language that I want to use has to reflect the intimidating. I will have some of the band members with their arms crossed whilst have some with their hands in their pockets. This makes them look like the stereotypical teenage men. Their shoulders will be hunched to make them look intimidating and in a position of power over people. Some will be leaning against walls adding to the effect of intimidation.
The weather that i want to have when i do this photo shoot is cloudy and gloomy with a few rays of sunshine. I want these weather conditions because it adds to the atmosphere of the streets, it adds to the gloomy atmosphere and adds an intimidating aura.
I am going to be taking the photos with a digital camera as i want high detailed shots for my magazine.

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