Tuesday 4 November 2014

Magazine Front Cover Mock-up

Reasons for deciding the layout;
I chose this particular lay out because as my target audience is upper/middle class they are not going to be interested in a lot of pictures being shoved in their faces promoting different things. This is why I decided to use a lot more text. The target audience are looking for a more cultured, upper class feel to the magazine so that it is set apart from picture based magazines such as "Heat" Additionally the people buying this magazine are going to have a lot more time on their hands and are more likely to read the articles rather than be attracted by the pictures alone, they will want good quality articles that are interesting and last longer than a quarter of a page.
I have also used inspiration from magazines such as "Q" and "Blues and Souls" I have used Q's layout of the cover lines as I thought they were well laid out and got what they were trying to say across clearly and effectively. I used the way Blues and Souls present their central images/cover models, they managed to make them stand out whilst still interesting the reader with their articles/cover lines.
Moreover i will use the font calibri, i will use this font because it is not too formal but also has a nice appearance and adds to the idea of quality that comes with the magazines. The font is key as that is the way most of the information is displayed and if it is not effective then my target audience is not going to be interested.
Imaginary Entity;
Harvey is aged 21  and is passionate about the rock music genre, he has been to concert's and is a genuine fan of this music genre. He has plenty of time to sit down and read detailed articles about his favourite rock artists, he is always interested in learning more about the rock music scene and has a passion to find out more about their favourite artists. Harvey lives and breaths rock music, when he is not going out to gigs and concerts he is constantly listening to music and spends his time telling his friends about the best rock music had to offer.
The imaginary entity influenced my choices because to attract my ideal reader i need to know what layout they prefer and how they are attracted. I chose to attract them via interesting articles and an image of a popular rock band of the time. I will have to present it in a way that looks luxurious but also is interesting at the same time, i decided that more cover lines were needed as these 'hard-core' rockers are going to want a wide range of interesting things to read. I also chose to use only one image because the magazines that i have analysed (Time, Q, B&S) all focus around 1 individual to sell the magazine, this has proven effective, so i took inspiration from that.
Consideration of Double page spread & Contents page;
I have considered going along the lines of what other magazines such as B&S where they use a range of different images to support the key articles, I am choosing to do this because with my target audience they are going to want to see who exactly the articles are about, whether they like that artist and if they want to go ahead and read that article. The contents page will need to be laid out clearly because as this is an upper end magazine it cannot be botched together but instead needs to look good. Furthermore the double page spread needs to catch the eye and immediately interest the reader, inform them what is going on and it has to look good. To do this i have looked at examples in a variety of magazines some from different genres just to get a rough idea. I will include a range of pictures. I will have two larger images to get the attention and to inform who the article is about. The font for these will stay in calibri but it will be in different sizes to indicate the importance of some sentences, headlines etc.

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